キス(キース) マンデープログラムから、黒人人種差別に一石を投じたFIX THE SYSTEM TEEが登場。
Ronnie Fieg(ロニー・ファイグ)が手掛けるファッションブランド兼セレクトショップ「KITH(キス)」から、2020年23弾目となるMONDAY PROGRAM(マンデー プログラム)が、海外2020年6月15日(オンライン日本時間6月16日AM0:00〜)に発売予定。

全米に広がる人種差別抗議運動への共感を示すため、「Black Lives Matter(ブラック・ライブズ・マター)」運動を支援するFIX THE SYSTEM TEEが登場。ブラック、ホワイトの2カラーが展開する本作の収益の全てが、慈善団体へ寄付される。


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No one can deny the power of the millions who have stepped up to the plate these past few weeks, to help reverse the injustices created by the ugly and pervasive plague of racism. And while the work we’re all doing as individuals is critical, those with the following, resources and infrastructure to amplify change have an immense responsibility to do so. Systemic racism can’t thrive within a system that rejects it. The system, quite clearly, is broken Internally, we’ve created an employee donation matching program, committing up to a quarter million dollars to causes that advance the agenda of racial equality. For today’s Monday Program, we’ll release the Fix the System tee, with 100% of proceeds going to these same causes (listed on product page, kith.com, 11AM EST). We’ve produced enough tees to raise $170,000 at complete sellout We also won’t overlook the use of our platform. As we gear up to shoot the campaign for our Summer 2020 collection, we’re seeking a team of Black creatives to collaborate with. We ask that any photographers, stylists and content creators in the Greater New York area who wish to be considered, email us examples of your work at platform@kith.com by Wednesday, 6/17, at 12PM EST. In addition to being compensated for your work, we’ll make a donation of $10,000 in each of your names to the Black Artists + Designers Guild, a non-profit committed to honoring the Black community’s ancestral legacy in design, and opening doors for Black makers in creative industries Even though fixing the system will take time, that time is now. That’s true for every person, brand, and institution that’s in a position to make a difference, including us
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